
The Product portfolio of MIFL is mainly comprised of Leasing & Hire Purchase and the balance is built by Gold Loans & Real Estate.

Reaching beyond the comfort zone to provide bespoke, most economical and flexible financial solution to our valued customers MIFL has a range of products that offer maximum benefits at the most competitive rate to both individuals and corporate bodies.

MIFL’s Leasing & Hire Purchase options cover a range of vehicles including;

  • private-vehiclesPrivate vehicles
  • commercial-vehiclesCommercial vehicles
  • three-wheelersThree wheelers
  • motor-bikesMotor Bikes
  • trucks-and-trailersTrucks & Trailers

MIFL is more than happy to be your finance partner in fulfilling your dreams and bringing in you r ideas to reality.
We provide financial planning and advice that’s customized to fulfill your financial needs. Flexible terms and conditions we offer enables to meet the payment obligations of our valued clientele with less or no hassle.Leasing facilities are provided for both used and brand new vehicles while Hire Purchase facilities are granted only for used vehicles. Our friendly and competent team ensures that your dream is made a reality as quickly as possible.You can enjoy the benefit of other facilities we provide such as registration of brand new vehicles, insurance, etc.

Lease & Hire Purchase can be broadly categorized to sub sectors based on the type of vehicle financed.

SME Sector

Considering the potential for growth, existence of favorable fiscal policies and past performance of the sector, SME sector is a major contributor of the portfolio with a 50% stake of the portfolio base. MIFL’s SME sector client base is comprised of creditworthy clients who are unable to meet the rigid documentation requirements of a Bank. By lending to SME sector clients, MIFL is honoring its responsibility as a corporate entity towards the society by lending a hand to develop an emerging sector of the economy.

Micro Leasing

Leasing facilities granted to finance Three Wheelers and Two Wheelers fall within this category which again experiencing a momentous growth mainly fuelled by the favorable economic conditions and the infrastructure developments of the Country. The Company has identified Micro Leasing as a profitable sector given the higher returns. This sector accounts for 20% of the product portfolio of the Company.

Corporates & Individuals

Credit facilities granted for the purchase of Registered vehicles, brand new luxury vehicles, Cars & SUVs fall under this category where the Client would be either a Corporate entity or a credit worthy individual. MIFL aims to tap this segment of the market given the lower levels of default risk and the higher volumes in terms of value.

Date of incorporation: 24th January 2012 Licensed by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka under the Finance Business Act No. 42 of 2011 | Credit Rating: AA--(LKA) RATING OUTLOOK STABLE BY FITCH RATING LANKA LIMITED| Company Reg.No: PB 4963

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